Sunday 13 November 2011


The minister in charge first Baptist church, Anko Eruwa Reverend (Dr.) Micheal Olaniyi has retired after 27 years of service in the God’s vineyard.
Dr. Olaniyi who describe his years of service as God’s fulfillment and challenging in an interview  with IBARAPA UPDATE  said that he enjoyed pasturing the church because of their cooperation and commitment he received from his member
According to him he enjoy Gods power in changing peoples lives through the  words of God preached to people throughout his year of service.
“What I enjoy most is the power of God changing the life if people just by his word. People hear the word and change their life for good, that is what I cherished and I always thank God for that, because once ones life change towards Christ , everything about him will change for good.”
Recalling his most challenging period during service, he said that people beliefs that pastors are free from problem, “when my Wife died in January 8th, 2011, members were looking unto me as a person consoling other people, but it was my turn and it was very challenging but God lead me through. Instead of people consoling me, I was the one consoling them.
“It caught them unaware, many of them taught once you are a pastor you are free from problem, for a pastor wife to die many members wanted to run away from the church but God gave me the grace to encourage them,” he added.

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