Sunday 13 November 2011

Confusion over Eleruwa, Onilala Throne

Crisis are still brewing  over the heirs to the thrones of Eleruwa of Eruwa  and Onilala of Lanlate all in Ibarapa east Local government as courts cases to determine the rightful occupants are still pending .
In Eruwa, following the  January High court  judgment ordering Oba Samuel Adebayo to vacate the Eleruwa stool, IBARAPA UPDATE gathers that, Oba Adebayo had begin to employ all strategies to retain his position
The plots which begins with appealing the high court rulings, in an application filed before the  Court of Appeal , sitting in Ibadan, may have also take a political dimension.
Oba Adebayo  IBARAPA UPDATE learnt had being to lobby the incumbent governor of the State Senator Isaki Abiola Ajimobi to intervene in the Obaship tussle.
A source close to the palace  said “ serious political lobbying had begin embarked upon since when the former governor Alao Akala lost the election, you will remember that our king campaigned for Akala’s re election, he worked very hard to deliver his constituency  for the former governor so that he will gain his support “
the planned also include uncalled for visitation of state official to the palace to intimidate his opponent “ in a space of two weeks the First lady was here, followed by the commissioner of police, so that our people will see relevance in him, as a strong Oba in the state”   
The source said the Oba Samuel at a time publicly boasted that “since the case took 13 years at the high court, he will ensure it takes a longer period at the Court of Appeal.”      
  Justice M.L Abimbola of the Oyo state high court sitting at Ibadan had restrained Oba Samuel from parading  himself as the Eleruwa of Eruwa land
The monarch in a swift reaction told IBARAPA UPDATE on phone that the allegations are  mere plot to tarnish his name.
His words :  I don’t know about that, I move freely in my community , have been on the throne for fourteen years the town has been peaceful, we all live in  harmony so why should I use security to oppress my opponent, am acceptable by my people, I don’t even often use my police ordeal neither is my house a military commando estate for people.
I don’t know how to lobby, am 14 years on the throne, the governor can’t decide the case that is in Court of Appeal, am performing my duties so why should I lobby him, please I don’t know who is lobbying the governor.”   
However Prince Rasheed Oyedepo Ajao argued that one of the plans is to use delay tactics by filing frivolous motions in court of Law.
He said “after the court ruling, by January 31, he filed a notice of appeal at the appeal court in Ibadan, a few days after that, he filed a motion for stay of execution, the motion for stay execution didn’t come up until June 7, 2011, that is after he has filed his own paper, his lawyer filed his suiting address.
“For reason best known to him when his lawyer was to start argument on the motion for stay of execution, the lawyer said  he was no longer interested in the motion and he was going to withdraw the motion, the judge now ruled and he struck out the motion on June 7, 2011, the motion for stay of execution.
Since he filed the notice of appeal, he did not do anything significantly on that appeal. The next we saw on August 25, I was served motion of appeal on the motion for stay of execution, that was slated for November 28, the stay out of execution  motion was struck at the high court. The intention is to delay the judgment, because his telling his people that since,  the high court case took thirteen years, he believe the appeal court will take longer years.
Since will know the high court the take so long period was because of his delay tactics and the Nigerian legal system tolerates it but he will not have it like that this time.
Oyedepo also reassures not to pursue his case illegal “No matter how long it lasted I am going to pursue the case legally because I know I will win. I do not have the slightest doubt in my mind that I will win. He did not meet up with any of the condition of both the chieftaincy declaration and Chief law the chieftaincy law says the person must come from the Olaribikusi ruling house, he is from the Akalako ruling house, the ruling house that have just left the throne and that is why all our grounds of suit against him were upheld by the court.
Onilala Throne
While the crisis in Lanlate town as being between the Bioku and Oguntayi family since 2000, the Onilala stool as being simultaneously occupied by Abdul Lateef Olawuyi Olagoke (Ilufemiloye1) of the Bioku ruling house and Oba segun Oladejo (Oguntayi II) of Oguntayi’s family.
The Bioku ruling housing according to Prince Ismail Makejuola of the Bioku family said the chieftaincy declaration, there are only two ruling houses in Lanlate, which are Bioku and Olabebe ruling houses and this has being in existing since the inception of Lanlate.
“After the death of the late Oba Richard Oyewole Oyediran of Olabebe ruling house, the local government sent the Bioku’s family letter to present candidate for the Kingship throne of Lanlate as the next ruling house and we did. It was later sent to the Oyo state government and this was during the tenure of the former Governor of the state, Adewolu Ladoja and Olagoke was enthroned.”
“but when Akala assumed office Ilufemiloye was dethroned because the then federal lawmaker at the lower chamber for the Ido/Ibarapa constituency, Oluyemi Taiwo who led the motion of the impeachment of former Governor Ladoja while in the state house for the ruling of the nine months of former Governor Alao Akala was in support of the Oguntayi’s family.
It is the people that gave Olagoke the mandate and it is recongised by all Lanlate indigenes but because of the forceful government of Akala led to the removal of Ilufemiloye  and the installation of Oguntayi II.
Also speaking for the Bioku’s family, Adejare Gbadamosi stressed the fact that the Oloko white paper that brought Adio and Oguntayi families to join the two existing ruling houses in Lanlate was released by the former Governor, Lamidi Adesina but emphasized that the white paper was nullified by former Governor Rasheed Ladoja. “Ladoja in 2003, abrogated Oloko report white paper vide Oyo state of Nigeria gazette No.14 vol 29 and this made Oloko report illegal for use in Oyo state as far as chieftaincy rules are concerned”, he added.
 According to Gbadamosi, the first Oguntayi was a chief (Aare ago) in the early Lanlate kingdom but only had an unacceptable opportunity to rule the then dwellers of Lanlate for 22days while the first Adio was from Igboora and an in-law to Bioku’s family but was became Onilala when there was no adult male to occupy the throne when it was Bioku’s turn.
“If Adio’s family wants to rule Lanlate, it should be from the Bioku’s linage, because their father ruled as candidate of Bioku then but for Oguntayi Aareago is the Chieftaincy tittle they are entitle to not Onilala.
“That is why we are in court and we are aware of the delay tactics they are imploring but all we know is that the both the Oguntayi and the Adio families have no rite ascend the throne of the Onilala”, he added.
He therefore, implored the government to stop the present Onilala’s salary until the court decides.
However, in contrary to the view of the Bioku’s family, the Onilala of Lanlate Oba Segun Oladejo Oguntayi II, argued that there are four ruling houses in Lanlate and the Oguntayi and Adio are part of the four ruling houses in Lanlate.
According to him, the Bioku family used the chieftaincy declaration of 1957 in enthroning their candidate and disregard the Oloko white paper that was gazette by the former Governor Lamidi Adesina, where Oguntayi and Adio families are included in the ruling houses of Lanlate.
”Everything is not political influence, chieftaincy issue is not about political connection but it a family rite. Instead of admitting that the 1957 chieftaincy declaration had been amended my opponent went ahead to used the 1957 to installed their candidate, despite the litigation on the issue then in 2007.
“Nobody snatched the throne from them, it was the government that said their installation did not follow due process and I was installed, I am recognized, I attend Obas and Chiefs councils meeting, I have been giving instrument of office and my appointment has been gazette, what else”, he said.
Oba Oladejo however, said no delay in the court, because the judge in charge is currently busy with the election tribunal and more so judiciary should be given time for possible evidences or facts from the lawyers of both parties as fair hearing.
“The case is just starting, we are just going for mentioning because the hearing has not started but there is litigation on the issue. Chieftaincy is a sensitive issue and cannot be resolved within a month”, he added.


  1. the truth has prevailed

  2. Please, how do I get the history of lanlate. I have been trying to get it on line all to no avail. Please, I need urgent assistant
