Sunday 13 November 2011

Ileya festival: Igboora Muslims shun central mosque

Contrary to the previous practice of the Muslims in Igboora community, the 2011 "Sallah" prayer was conducted in disarray away from the central praying ground.
The conduct which was attributed to the present crisis in the community over the  Imamship tussle between the Iberekodo and Igboora quarters of community.
IBARAPA UPDATE gathered that Igboora quarter held its Sallah at Ansarudeen Primary School, while Iberekodo used Local Authority school for its own, which is against the previous conduct of the Igboora Muslims.
Also, investigation by our correspondent  revealed that security agents were deplored in mass to Igboora on "Ilaya" day to avoid breaking down of peace and order.
Speaking on the occurrence, the President, League of Imams in Ibarapaland, Alhaji Yakubu Adesina said the closure of Igboora central mosque was in compliance with the court order, that the mosque must be lock till the court decides.
"We have tried our best to settle the dispute allowing to the Imamship doctrine that has been existing in Igboora since inception, and all efforts had failed. Now, they have taken themselves to court and there is nothing will can do about that," he added.
Giving his view of the dispute, Imam Adesina said both Iberekodo and Igboora quarters are peace loving Muslims and do ascend the position of the Chief Imam of Igboora simultaneously but this occurrence is uncalled for and we are baffled.
He said, "whenever the Imam of Igboora quarter is the Chief Imam, the Imam of Iberekodo quarter will be he deputy. And when the Chief Imam dies, the deputy will become the Imam.
Now the immediate past Imam from Igboora quarter, Alhaji Abass Ibrahim is dead and the quarter refuse to release the position to Alhaji Adebayo Ligali Olanrewaju of the Iberekodo quarter but insisted on the imposition of Alhaji Yusau Alobalowo from same Igboora," he explained.
According to Alhaji Adesina, the league of Imams in Ibarapa had traveled to meet the Chief Imam of Ibadan, Imam Suara Busari on the Igboora's crisis over four times but all efforts failed.
He said, "We have been invited by Chief Imam of Ibadan who said we should go and resolve it at home. But the case is now in court, we can do nothing than to hold our peace."

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